Sweaty Selfie - Amy

Name : Amy

Age : 27

Pronouns : She

Favourite way to move your body : 

Weights! And high intensity workouts, functional workouts using ropes, kettlebells and sled pushing are also my favourites. I used to do a lot of long distance running but found a love for more resistance based training. TRX is my go-to now postnatally, it's easy to get a workout in while bub is sleeping and definitely presents a challenge. Oh, and hiking! I can't wait to start getting out of town with bub in a carrier. 

What is your motivation :

My motivation has changed drastically over the past few years. I used to be motivated by guilt, a disdain for my body and a counter-productive sense of self-punishment (sounds awful!) but I'm now motivated by how amazing I feel, both physically and mentally, when I move in ways that are right for my body. I'm also motivated by that sense of accomplishment and lingering glow you get when you do something good for yourself. Even more pertinent, now, is the motivation model healthy movement my child and help them to enjoy moving and nourishing their body as they grow.   

How does exercise make you feel :  

Exercise makes me feel really strong and centred. I feel charged and relaxed simultaneously; it's just a really present, calm and in-body feeling and helps with my anxiety and racing mind. When I worked out properly for the first time after giving birth I almost cried, all the endorphinssss!

Fave tune to move your body to : 

So, so many! Generally just mixes from powerful ladies (mixes from fellow sweaty DJ Dee*Luscious never go astray!) and depending on the workout - sometimes Erykah Badu and Jill Scott, other times Beyoncé. At the moment lots of Modlee which is actually what I listened to while giving birth!


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