Boss Babe - Daisy


Daisy Catterall AKA Dee*Luscious

Age : 

Pronouns : 

Who are you:

I’m an artist, zinemaker, DJ, writer and studio manager.

Tell us a bit about what makes you, you:
I just am always striving to embrace all my bits. My creative practice uses a lot of different mediums but really its all headed in the same direction of self-acceptance and empowerment. I can be weird, loud, sensitive, harsh, soft, lazy or high-energy but Im striving towards just being cool with all of those things whenever they come because that is what makes me, me.

What are you passionate about : 

I am passionate about everybody possessing the personal power that they need to pursue or at least explore their goals. Drive and motivation starts with confidence and that confidence gives you the energy to get out there and do stuff. I believe that youve gotta have a hot, strong foundation of self-sourced confidence before you can really set out to kick goals. So I talk a lot about being with yourself, learning how to be cool with yourself, and not relying on others to teach you how. I also think its important to mention that the self-love’ trend has been preyed on by capitalism and now self-love looks like face masks and avocado but its so much more than that: it is hard work. Im passionate about helping people accept themselves. Love comes later.

What makes you angry : 
Non-marginalised people not sharing their privilege. 

What inspires you : 
Seeing women bounce up from rock bottom. Seeing someone vulnerably put themselves out there and receive encouragement and energy. Relating to people.

What makes you feel powerful : 
Carrying my groceries home.

Tell us about what happens in a day in the life of Daisy : 
I usually wake up around 7am when my neighbour calls out for her dog, Rosa. Then I sit up and chug a litre of water. I LIVE for my morning coffee moment. Its the best part of my day. So I have a peaceful coffee in bed, then I might get hype and go to the gym and listen to DJ Khaled on the treadmill.

Then Ill head to the studio that I manage ( in Collingwood. At the moment, Im just about to launch issue #2 of my annual zine Keep Brave. Its a zine about empowerment and how to feel powerful represented by contributors words and art. Im not a fan of the tortured artist trope- I like to get in the studio, get my work done and get outta there. I do this thing called Hour Of Power, where I get in, make a huge To-Do list and set out to tick it all off in an hour non-stop.

Lately, I eat lunch at my studio desk while watching Dr Phil on youtube (dont ask) then might knock out another Hour Of Power and aim to get out of the studio by 3pm. I might have a meeting or teach my weekly zine workshop in the afternoon. Otherwise, once I get home I might lie around, or go up onto my rooftop and hang out. I have an early dinner and then sometimes go for a big walk around St Kilda beach and pretend Im on holiday. Sometimes my partner comes over and we catch up, watch trash in bed and go to sleep.

What is your piece of life advice : 
Be strict about not comparing yourself to others. Everyone has vastly different life experiences and hurdles to you. If someone has achieved something that you havent yet, they probably havent overcome the incredible hurdles that you have. If only you could impress yourself as much as others impress you.

Thanks Daisy! Make sure you check out the Keep Brave launch on 15th March, get your hands on a zine and/or her awesome 'Women in music are dangerously underestimated' cap & tote bag!


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